Every day, as soon as you return home, you hear your little ones cry out enthusiastically, "Daddy is at home .. Finally Daddy has arrived", they jump and race who among them reaches your chest first, everyone wants to hug you at this moment, except that you may be because of stress or because of the long work day and problems Others, you may miss the appropriate enthusiasm to contain their enthusiasm in return.

You may treat it like something for granted, but the fact is that one day soon your children will not welcome you in this wonderful way, the little ones will grow up and one of them will disappear after the other to indulge in his private life.

Ask yourself: What kind of greeting do you give your children when you return from work? Do they show the same excitement? Do you show them love? Do you look happy to see them as they do, or do you look angry and tired?

"A man has two jobs, one outside the home and the other at home, those inside the house want to know that you are happy to see them and available to meet their immediate needs," doctoral analyst Laurie Holman said in an article on Thrive Global. If you like to be a welcome person as soon as you enter the house, you should follow some tips to get that.

Both Pro All and Thrift Global provide a number of practical advice that may help parents prepare psychologically to go home and receive their children at their best:

1. Remember that you have been practicing parenthood all day

One of the parent's primary responsibilities is to provide for the needs of his family, so remind yourself throughout the workday that you do this for your loved one, and what you do with your children when you return home will only be a continuation of what you did during the day.

2. Relax a little before returning home

Instead of going home tired and charged with work pressure, it is preferable to have ten minutes to relax, go for a short walk, or listen to some music, do whatever it takes to be ready to jump when you get home.

3. Adhere to the first minutes of your family

Even if you desperately need a break, spend a few minutes interacting with everyone at home first:

Go down to your children's level, or raise them to you to give them hugs and kisses, ask them to share the best and hardest parts of their day, and do your best to express your lack of them while working.

4. A few hours before bed took advantage of

It may take a few minutes to relax and your wife can keep the kids busy until she gets the energy to give them all of your attention. Or perhaps you will have to spend time with them until dinner is ready, you only have a few hours to spend with your children before bed, so make the most of that time.

Be psychologically ready for someone to misbehave sometimes (Pixels)

5. Anticipate problems that need solutions

It can be frustrating if you go home and then it happens that your first contact with your child about discipline, expect such an order, be psychologically prepared for one of your children to misbehave, do not ignore the problem, but set a routine and rules that everyone knows and acts upon.

6. Be available

You have to be available to listen to your children as they talk about what is on their mind. Staying calm and available is what they need most in the first few minutes.

7. Prioritize

Prioritize who needs something specific and is waiting for you to do it, it is possible to set a schedule and set a time for each person if there are many things that must be completed with your participation.

8. Expect immediate pressure

You may not have the opportunity to change your clothes after arriving from work before someone needs a trip to the store or a friend’s house. Predicting this type of immediate stress helps you feel ready, so do not deal in a negative way, your children need to see you happy to see them.

9. A special time for each person

You must build relationships with each family member. Depending on the size of your family, be sure to have a conversation with at least two people twice a week, so that you know what's going on in their life and what's on their mind.

10. Tell them about your day

Although your most important job at home is to be a good listener, this is what every child and teenager wants from his father, but they should also hear you, take your time to tell your children about your work day, include them in your life in this way and you will feel the pleasure of sharing your family with you.

Do not take out your anger, stress, and bad day in the face of your children (Pixels)

11. Do not forget your wife

Talking with your wife before returning home to find out how her day was and what you need from you to help her when you return is important, and it will be a lot easier for you. If your day is tired enough, ask your wife to help you prepare the atmosphere for you to get some rest first.

12. Things you never do

Do not take out your anger, stress, and bad day in the face of your children, and do not carry them beyond their means, they are waiting for your presence throughout the day so do not let them down.