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July 16, 2020 According to the first data of the Maturity 2020 collected by the Ministry of Education on 94% of the students admitted to take the exam, the graduates are 99.5%. It was 99.7% a year ago. Furthermore, one graduate out of two took a mark higher than 80. The first results of the tests carried out with the health emergency are available on the MI website. The survey refers only to internal candidates. The externals will take the State Exam in the extraordinary session, which will begin on September 9, 2020. Different exams, this year. Following the health emergency: only the oral test was maintained, which took place in presence and in safety. A first return to school normality after the classrooms close. Again on the basis of the particular school year lived, the credit allocation system was also different. In particular, the credit for the final three-year period was revised: it was worth up to 60 points, instead of 40, as before the emergency. Up to 40 points could then be obtained at the oral exam. The final maximum possible score was always 100/100, like every year. And praise could be obtained. Female students were evaluated by internal commissions with the presence of an external President.

Graduates with grades above 80 increased from 32.8% to 49.6%. The 91-99 are 15.9% (they were 9.7%). The 81-90 scores are 21.2% (16% a year ago). 50.4% of the students are in the 60-80 voting range, they were 67.1% a year ago. The 60 go from 7% in 2019 to 5.1% this year. The marks 71-80 go from 28.7% to 24.9%, the 61-70 from 31.4% to 20.4%. And there are also more students who graduated with honors. The teachers awarded 12,129 students and 2.6% of the total number of candidates with honors. Last year the honors were, as an absolute number, 7,513, equal to 1.5% of the total number of graduates. 

Looking at the percentage ratio between graduates with honors and total graduates, the highest percentage is registered in Puglia (5.2%). Umbria (4%), Molise (3.8%), Calabria (3.7%) follow. The highest grade point average is confirmed in high schools, where 4.1% received honors, 13% had 100, 18.6% between 91 and 99, 22.8% between 81 and 90. And Classic is still to excel in the 81-100 rating range. In the high marks follow the Technical guidelines, in which 1.5% of the students achieved honors, 7.3% had 100, 13.4% 91-99, 19.1% 81-90. In Professionals, praise for 0.6%, 100 for 5.3%, 91-99 for 12.8%, 81-90 for 20.3%.