The headquarters of LInk University


July 15, 2020 Indebted debt compensation with non-existent credits. For this hypothesis of crime, the Rome Guardia di Finanza carried out a series of searches, checks and documentary acquisitions at the headquarters of the 'Link University'. According to what was learned in the investigation, coordinated by the prosecutor's investigators, 14 people are investigated in various capacities, including the heads of the university including the rector Claudio Roveda.

According to prosecutors, Link and the 'Consortium for research on intelligence and security services' have simulated the execution of research and development projects that would have allowed them to enjoy tax credits. In short, by simulating the execution of research and development projects, the Link and the Consortium would have accrued non-existent tax credits which they would then have used in compensation on the occasion of the payment of the taxes due by them.