The port of Dover in the south-east of England. - Matt Dunham / AP / SIPA

The British government detailed its plans for its borders on Monday after the country's effective exit from the European Union at the end of the year, to allow businesses and individuals to prepare, whether an agreement is reached or not. 'EU.

Along with a major advertising campaign called "New Start for the UK: Let's Go", the Conservative government of Boris Johnson has published a 206-page document covering all aspects of trade with the European Union, from import-export of rough diamonds in bottles for beverages.

The document confirms London's gradual approach to border controls on goods imported from the EU in the first part of 2021. Controls will not be effective on all goods until July 2021. According to Minister of State Michael Gove, in charge of this file, this publication represents an "important step which gives companies the certainty and the direction they need to prepare". "The time has come for our new beginning, the time for us to embrace a new global destiny," he said before members of the House of Commons.

Trade negotiations continue

The public information campaign started on Monday morning to spread in the British media. It is now recommended that travelers take out full insurance and check if roaming charges apply when traveling to European countries. Pet owners are advised to take them to the veterinarian four months before the scheduled departure date.

Since the official date of the UK's exit from the European Union on January 31, the country continues to apply European rules and negotiates with Brussels in the hope of finding a free trade agreement, but the differences remain important between London and Brussels.

The British government announced Sunday an envelope of 705 million pounds sterling (768 million euros) for its borders and promises to make by 2025 the border "the most efficient in the world".

  • United Kingdom
  • Brexit
  • World