Jannicke Andersson lives in Helsingborg and works as a senior lecturer in social work at Halmstad University. She is one of the people behind the study that has gone in depth on how people over 70 have been affected by the recommendations from authorities in connection with the corona pandemic.

1,000 responses on corona insulation

A survey was sent out via social media in early April. They had actually hoped to get a few hundred answers but after a few days over 1,000 answers had rolled in.

- Then we had to close. We should be able to handle all free answers as well, says Janicke Andersson.

Felt limited by his children

The survey allowed people to reflect and answer the questions freely. And there are many who have had a need to comment on how it feels to suddenly be limited in their lives. But also that you lack the feeling of being needed.

- In the answers, we see that you want to show solidarity with society and family, but that you have felt limited.

In the clip, Janicke Andersson tells about how people in their 70s all of a sudden felt much older and even walked behind the backs of their children to be able to go shopping themselves.

Direct report · What do you do to break the corona insulation?


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