New Corona response "Emphasis on infection spread prevention" 67% NHK opinion poll July 14 4:56

In response to the new coronavirus, whether we should focus on "infection spread prevention" or "economic activity" should be emphasized when asked by NHK in a public opinion poll that "if anything" is combined with "infection spread prevention". 67% of the respondents answered.

From the 10th of this month, NHK will conduct a poll for 3 or 18 days from this month by using "RDD" to call the fixed and mobile phone numbers randomly generated by computer from 18 years old.

2,268 people were surveyed, and 1268 people (56%) obtained responses.

When asked whether the government should prioritize "infection spread prevention" or "economic activity" in responding to the new coronavirus,
▽ "infection spread prevention" was 20%,
▽ "either 47% of the
respondents said “ Preventing the spread of infection ”, 19% of the “somewhat
economic activity”, and 6% of “the economic activity”.

▼ Evacuation was called for in Kyushu, Gifu, Nagano and other areas where record heavy rainfall occurred this month.
When asked how much they were concerned about the infection with the new coronavirus at the evacuation shelter in the event of a disaster,
▽ "I felt a lot" was 35%,
▽ "I felt a certain amount" was 47%,
▽ "Much 10% said
they didn't feel, and 2% said they didn't feel at all.

▼ China is undergoing as a result of the enforcement of the "Hong Kong National Security Preservation Law", from within the Liberal Democratic Party has come out voice that he should stop the visit to Japan as a state guest of Xi Jinping Jintao.
When asked if they should come to Japan as President's national guest,
▽"Should be realized" was 17%,
▽"Should be canceled" was 63%.