Nuts contain healthy fats, folic acid, calcium and other essential nutrients during pregnancy. Therefore, their inclusion in the diet at this stage is positive. In a report published by the Spanish magazine, "Mejorconsalud", Anna Villarasa said that in all parts of the world, between 20% and 30% of pregnant women are undernourished.

Nuts have many benefits to the body during pregnancy, because they provide energy, protein, fibers and minerals that women who will always become mothers do not consume in ideal quantities. There is evidence that the effects of nutrition on the fetus can last until puberty. Therefore, it is worth focusing on pregnant food to prevent possible harm in the future. However, what is the role of nuts in this case?

The need for nutrients varies among pregnant women compared to the needs of the average person (Bixaby)

What diet during pregnancy?

Before talking about the benefits of nuts during pregnancy, it is important to highlight the role of diet. As revealed in an article in the North American Medical Journal, the quality of nutrition largely determines the health of the mother and the fetus.

Thus, it is appropriate to know what foods pregnant women should eat, and in what amount and number of times, to ensure optimal development of pregnancy. Given the circumstances of this stage, the need for nutrients for a pregnant woman is different compared to the needs of the average person.

Nuts treat some problems during pregnancy

The right choice of food in this case becomes necessary. Fresh, nutrient-rich products are the ideal choice. For example, a review of studies published in the journal "Nutrients" confirmed that vegetable foods, nuts and seeds contribute to improving outcomes in some common problems during pregnancy. This includes the following:

1- Reducing the risk of high blood pressure during pregnancy.

2- Reducing the risk of gestational diabetes.

3- A better psychological condition, which would help prevent symptoms of sadness and depression during pregnancy and after childbirth.

4- Better fetal growth and development, and a lower likelihood of premature birth.

Nuts and seeds improve the results in some common problems during pregnancy (Bixaby)

Nuts and neuropsychological development

The development of the nervous system and brain of the fetus is necessary during the first three months of pregnancy, and although many do not know this, the consumption of nuts during this period can contribute to their correct formation.

This came in a study that took data for 2,200 mothers and children whose diet was measured and their consumption of nuts, and then conducted tests to measure the neuropsychological development of children until the age of eight years. The results revealed that the children whose mothers provided them with more nuts in their diet had better results with tests related to cognitive skills, memory and concentration.

In this study, women consumed 30 grams of nuts an average of three times a week. But formal recommendations are usually higher, that is, three to seven times a week. Therefore, researchers believe that the benefits of nuts during pregnancy can be greater, especially thanks to their contribution to providing the essential fatty acids and folic acid in developing the front part of the brain.

Nuts contain a nutritional formula that is essential during pregnancy to achieve optimal fetal development (Getty Images)

Achieve optimal fetal growth

The author explained that the nuts contain a nutritional formula that includes vitamins, minerals, fiber and unsaturated fatty acids, as some of these nutrients are essential during pregnancy to achieve optimal fetal development.

Folic acid and neural tube defects

The author mentioned that folic acid is a vitamin of group "B" and plays an important role in the development of the fetus, because it is essential for the formation of new cells. It also contributes to the formation of the neural tube in the early stages of pregnancy, and reduces the risk of problems such as spina bifida or anencephaly.

These nutrients are found in some foods such as whole grains and green leafy vegetables. It is also found in nuts, especially nuts and peanuts.

Therefore, it is recommended for pregnant women to add these nutrients to their regular diet. However, given the difficulty in reaching desired levels through food, supplementation of this vitamin is often recommended for all pregnant women, even for those who are planning to become pregnant.

Brazilian nuts and hazelnuts are among the most common types of calcium-rich nuts, and here they are important for pregnant women (Bexaby)

Polyunsaturated fatty acids and omega-3

Essential fatty acids, such as omega-3s, must be included in a pregnant woman’s diet because the body cannot synthesize them, as they are necessary during pregnancy because of their role in the development of vision and the nervous system.

It is worth noting that blue fish is the best known source of omega-3, and despite the potential uncertainties generated by the accumulation of mercury in these types of fish, there are more benefits than risks. Likewise, it is convenient to include nuts in a regular diet, especially nuts, thanks to the healthy fats it contains.

Increased need for calcium

Calcium is an essential nutrient in all stages of life, and the requirements for this mineral are often higher during pregnancy, especially in the third stage of pregnancy. Studies show that consuming small amounts of calcium can cause osteoporosis or contractions in the mother, as it increases the risk of high blood pressure. At the same time, calcium deficiency may cause delayed growth in the fetus.

And when there is higher calcium consumption, the body also prepares to be more efficient. Thus, it increases the absorption of hormones stimulated by them.

And the author asserts that in the same scientific reviews, it has been proven that these additional calcium needs can be covered by food, and Brazilian nuts and hazelnuts are among the most common nuts rich in this nutrient.