
08 July 2020China has launched a large-scale national campaign to counter the bad habits of its citizens: spit on the sidewalk, roll up its shirt and show the navel by men, throw garbage in the windows, gossip on the net and spam SMS.

It will also be forbidden to jump, bypassing the line, in public transport to grab a seat, a very difficult undertaking in a country of almost 1.5 billion people, a large part of whom travel by public transport. Now all these violations will be punishable by very high fines. For the throwing of the garbage from the windows, if the manager cannot be identified, the entire condominium will be punished. In one case, when a girl was hit by a bottle thrown out of the window, 448 apartment buildings were punished.

Some of the "education" rules have been codified in the first legislative compendium of good conduct and civil behavior recently approved. Chinese TV has launched an advertisement: the daughter presents the groom to the father for consent for the wedding, but the father presents himself shirtless with his navel on display ... The groom is horrified, runs away, the wedding jumps and the missing bride bursts into tears.

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