“The document approved by the deputies in the first reading provides fines of up to 150 thousand rubles for state and municipal employees for insulting citizens,” the report said.

It is proposed to adjust the concept of insult, which is defined in the Code of Administrative Offenses as "humiliation of the honor and dignity of another person, expressed in indecent form."

It is supposed to supplement the wording with the words "and in another derogatory, insulting public morality" form.

In addition, for all kinds of insults, the authors of the initiative suggest increasing fines.

For public insults, including through the Internet, it is proposed to increase the fine for citizens from 3-5 thousand rubles to 5-10 thousand rubles, for officials - from 30-50 thousand rubles to 50-100 thousand rubles, for legal entities - from 100–500 thousand rubles to 200–700 thousand rubles.

In mid-May, a bill on punishing officials for rudeness was introduced into the lower house of parliament.

Political strategist Marat Bashirov commented on the NSN draft law.