It is reported by RIA Novosti with reference to a representative of the US Foreign Ministry.

“China brings not only us and Russia, but the whole world. If China wants to be a responsible power, then it must join the agreements of the responsible powers (USA and Russia. - RT ), ”the State Department said.

They noted that China is "rapidly expanding its nuclear arsenal" and seeks to "double its nuclear potential over the next decade."

“They talked about 1 thousand warheads. Beijing wants a triad of (combat) capabilities with ground-based launchers or ground-based missiles, submarines, and bombers. This is not a minimum deterrence. A tripartite arms race would be a destabilizing factor (factor) and would not contribute to improving security either for China or for Russia, ”the representative of the State Department concluded.

Earlier, US Presidential Envoy for Arms Control Marshall Billingsley announced Washington’s readiness “under certain circumstances” to consider extending the Strategic Arms Reduction and Limitation Treaty.

At the same time, the PRC said that the words of US officials about the need to involve China in Russian-American nuclear arms control negotiations are absurd and are an attempt to shift responsibility to others.