
July 03, 2020

In Italy there is an "effective control of Sars-Cov-2 infection, but attention must be kept high". This is what the Iss-ministry of Health report recommends, with an analysis of the data for the period 22-28 June 2020, following the third reopening phase which took place on 3 June 2020.

Rt estimates tend to fluctuate in some Regions / PPAAs in relation to the appearance of transmission outbreaks which are subsequently contained. Therefore, estimates higher than 1 are observed in Regions where recent outbreaks have occurred. The absence of signs of overload of the assistance services persists. Although decreasing, in some regional realities numbers of new high cases continue to be reported. This should call for caution as it indicates that in some parts of the country the circulation of SARS-CoV-2 is still relevant. "

"It is recommended to keep attention high and continue to strengthen testing-tracing-tracking activities in order to identify all potential transmission outbreaks early and continue to control the epidemic.

It is fundamental - it says - to maintain high awareness of the general population on the fluidity of the epidemiological situation and on the importance of continuing to rigorously respect all the measures necessary to reduce the risk of transmission such as individual hygiene and physical distancing ".