The socialist mayor of Lille Martine Aubry won Sunday in the second round of the municipal elections by a short head, ahead "of 277 votes" his environmental opponent Stéphane Baly, announced to AFP his entourage.

Lille remains in the hands of Martine Aubry. The socialist candidate, mayor since 2001, won again on Sunday in the second round of the municipal elections. A victory on the wire, Martine Aubry ahead "by 277 votes" her environmental competitor Stéphane Baly, announced his entourage to AFP.

>> LIVE   - Municipal: the latest information on the second round

"we will have to find politics!"

The suspense lasted a good part of the beginning of the evening, the polls donannt the two candidates side by side, largely in front of the candidate macronist, Violette Spillebout.

The last polling stations, in particular those of the associated commune of Lomme, finally gave the advantage to the former emblematic minister of the plural left. She won with just under 40% of the vote, against a background of record abstentions.

"I first of all feel great sadness at the rate of abstention as high in France and Lille. We will have to find politics again! I also feel great happiness at having obtained the confidence of the people of Lille to continue to go further, much further on social justice and ecological transition, "Martine Aubry told AFP. "I know and I have heard the expression of a desire, everywhere in France, to go further on this ecological transition. We will do so by reducing social inequalities," she added.

>> More information to follow ...