United Nations human rights experts have called for investigations into violations related to mercenary activities in Libya, noting that the presence of mercenaries is a violation of the United Nations arms embargo.

Experts have expressed concern about reports of the use of mercenaries, especially since the start of the offensive of retired Major General Khalifa Haftar's forces on the capital, Tripoli, last year.

The experts added that the government of National Accord and the forces of Khalifa Haftar relied in foreign operations on foreigners, including Russian soldiers and mercenaries from Syria, Chad and Sudan.

Experts warned that relying on foreign actors contributed to escalating the conflict and undermining the prospects for a peaceful solution.

Meanwhile, a spokesman for the forces of the National Accord government, Colonel Mohamed Kanounou, said that the government is awaiting an international investigation that reveals to the world the heinous crimes of genocide committed by the militia of Haftar and the Kani gangs against the people of the city of Tarhuna.

Kanounou added in a press briefing that Haftar can never be trusted because of the violations and violations committed by his militia, and pointed out that the position of the supreme commander of the reconciliation government forces is that Haftar has not and will not be a partner in peace.