Globally infected 840,320 deaths 450,137 new coronavirus June 19 4:19

According to the summary at 3:00 am Japan time on 19th of Johns Hopkins University in the United States, the number of people confirmed to be infected with the new coronavirus was 840,320 worldwide, and the number of people who died was 45,137. I am.

Countries with high numbers of infections

Of these,
▼The most infected people were the US with 2,173,804,
▼Brazil with 955,377,
▼Russia with 563,321 ,
▼India with 366,946, and
▼UK with 301,935. It has become.

A country with many deaths

On the other hand,
the number of people who died most was 117,972 in the United States, 46,510 in
42,373 in the United Kingdom,
34,514 in Italy
, and 29,578 in France. It has become.