North Korea's First Vice-President Kim Yeo-jung criticized the statement by President Moon Jae-in, who emphasized exchanges and cooperation between the two Koreas on the 20th anniversary of the June 15th South-North Joint Declaration today.

In the discourse titled'I'm sorry to hear the evasive hypothesis', Mr. Kim, the first vice-president, Kim put the video message of President Moon's remarks on the 15th anniversary of the 20th anniversary of the 6th and 15th Declaration on the 15th anniversary of President Cheong Wa Dae's remarks, He evaded accountability and was deeply rooted in deep socialism."

First Vice President Kim criticized the spread of North Korean defectors to North Korea and criticized the South Korean government's "acknowledgement." "The South Korean official's speech deserved to have a firm commitment to apology, reflection and prevention of recurrence," he said, but was consistent with excuses and tricks. I did.

He also said that President Moon has turned the cause of inter-Korean relations to the outside world. "We are hardened as it is hardened that we can no longer discuss the North-South relations with such a submissive and submissive partner suffering from deep rooted socialism and self-destruction." Judgment."

“First of all, South Korean officials have left nothing to do with us anyway,” said First Vice President Kim. “We can only regret and regret what South Korean officials can do.”

"The enemy is also an enemy," said Jang Geum-cheol, the head of the Unification Front, which is in charge of the South Korea project. He said, "There is no exchange or cooperation with the South Korean authorities in the future."