US President Donald Trump on Tuesday signed an executive order prohibiting police officers from using the throttle position while arresting suspects, unless they were attacked. However, he declared his opposition to efforts to reduce police funding.

This signature comes in an attempt to respond to the historical protests that broke out in opposition to police violence and racism, after the death of George Floyd at the hands of a policeman in the city of Minneapolis.

After meeting with the families of individuals who fell victim to the violence of the security forces or racism, the American President said that the decision includes preventing the resort to strangulation "unless the policeman's life is in danger", adding that he "encourages" thousands of American police units to adhere to "the highest professional standards" .

During a press conference held today, Trump stressed that accountability methods must be strengthened and the working conditions of the police officers should be improved, adding that his administration will take measures to ensure security for all Americans of all ethnicities.

US administration officials had previously said that this executive order aims to improve how the police deal with African Americans and others, by improving rehabilitation, training, and mental health resources.

Strict tone

The executive order comes after Trump spoke in a strict tone of "law and order" after the death of African-American George Floyd suffocated by a white policeman who crouched his knee on his neck.

Over the past period, Trump has faced criticism from Democrats for the way he dealt with the incident, and some of his allies are concerned that his handling of protests and the pandemic of the emerging Corona Virus (Covid-19) will hurt his re-election opportunities in November. .

Trump did not heed calls to cut police funding (Reuters)

Modifications and goals

Before signing it, US Vice President Mike Pence said that the executive order includes a number of amendments to how police officers operate.

Pence added in an interview with "Fox News" that these amendments were discussed carefully during the past two weeks after the killing of George Floyd.

For their part, senior administration officials said that the executive order will aim to motivate police departments to make improvements, by linking federal approval for discretionary grants to good police practices.

The officials added that the executive order will encourage the police departments to use the latest standards for the use of force, and improve the exchange of information so that bad records officers are not used without knowing their backgrounds, provided that the police use social workers when dealing with cases that do not include violent crime, which includes drug addiction and homelessness .