
North Korea has not given a separate position on the 20th anniversary of June 15. Instead, through the labor newspaper, Frostbite toward the South went on to conduct internal public opinion about the blasting of the liaison office that Kim Yeo-jeong had said recently that he would continue retaliation.

Reporter Kim A-young continues.


Two years ago, when the inter-Korean relations were cruising, North Korea emphasized with the spirit of June 15.

[Chosun Central TV (Broadcast on June 15, 2018): Thoroughly implemented the Panmunjom Declaration in the spirit of June 15… .]

Today, on the 20th anniversary, today (15th) was different.

Without any mention of the June 15th, the local newspaper saw only the retaliatory measures toward the South.

North Korea's so-called'Invincible Forces' threatened to continue until the end of the retaliatory action, saying that it would initiate a decisive action.

[Chosun Central TV: Our people's willingness to crush the people who touched our highest dignity mercilessly… .]

Regarding the discourse of Kim Yeo-jung, who said it would collapse without a liaison office, she responded with an assault reaction such as'pleasant,'let's get rid of the explosion'.

The atmosphere for the next action has been raised internally, and it seems likely that sooner or later, we will take physical action against the liaison office.

[Jo Han-beom / Senior Research Fellow, Korea Institute for National Unification: The talks about the abolition of the liaison office are repeated. That's why I think that part will be put into action. This is a bit of a concern because it implied the paralysis of all functions and the destruction of some buildings.]

However, the North Korean military's specific trends in the border area, waters, and major missile bases are still unknown.

Defense Minister Kyung-Doo Chung said the tension on the Korean Peninsula has been very high, but he says he is maintaining a strong preparedness in all situations.

(Video coverage: Jung Sung-hwa, Video editing: Lee Seung-yeol)