Emmanuel Macron seems to want to increase the field of skills devolved to local actors. He promised in his address on Sunday, "a new page giving new freedoms and responsibilities".

Local actors will know "A new page giving new freedoms and responsibilities". This was announced by Emmanuel Macron during his address on Sunday. An announcement concerning "those who act closest to our lives", such as mayors, hospitals, entrepreneurs or universities.

New balances in powers and responsibilities

Often criticized for the verticality of his action, especially during the crisis, the President of the Republic seems to have wanted to respond to these criticisms "Everything cannot be decided so often in Paris. Faced with the epidemic, citizens, businesses, unions, associations, local communities, state agents in the territories have shown ingenuity, efficiency, solidarity. Let us have more confidence in them. Let’s unleash the creativity and energy of the field ", did he declare.

>> LIVE  - Coronavirus: Emmanuel Macron spoke at 8 p.m.

"It will be up to me to build new balances in powers and responsibilities with you. I am deeply convinced of this: the organization of the State and of our action must profoundly change" announced Emmanuel Macron. "This is why I want to open for our country a new page giving new liberties and responsibilities to those who act closest to our lives, liberties and responsibilities for our hospitals, our universities, our entrepreneurs, our mayors and many others. 'other key players. "