During a press conference, Kravtsov was asked whether they would test all participants in the exam or only the organizers.

“Each region decides on the basis of the situation. Suppose, according to Khanty-Mansiysk, they plan to carry out such diagnostics, but this is a recommendation ... Rospotrebnadzor. There is no such obligation, ”TASS quotes him.

The head of the Ministry of Education clarified that a mandatory requirement is to measure the temperature at the entrance to the venue for the exam, seating participants at a distance of 1.5 meters from each other, as well as not allowing exam organizers to work over 65 years old and using antiseptics and medical masks.

Earlier in Rosobrnadzor it was assumed that rapid tests for coronavirus infection may appear at the points of exams.

The main wave of passing the exam starts on July 3. At the same time, only those graduates who plan to enter universities will take exams.