The person with theft mania steals other people's possessions even those he does not need. He may feel satisfied when he acquires the purposes of others. The one who steals to support his family cannot be compared to the one he steals to live the adventure of success by doing this behavior.

Surprisingly, the things that a person with theft obsession usually steals are of little value, such as a box of gum, because he does not steal it because he does not have the price or wants to chew it, but rather to enjoy the feeling that results from this behavior, so the theft mania is considered a health disorder. Mentality, and it can cause serious repercussions, according to a report published in the Spanish magazine "La Vida Lotida".

It is common for a person who is obsessed with theft to be confronted with a law that is still unable to stop his behavior.

One of the characteristics of this condition is the problems of impulse control, along with anxiety and self-control. And the temptation experienced by these people to steal a purpose can harm them and others as well.

The injured person often refuses to seek help because he is ashamed of his problem. Also, there is no magic cure or medicine to eliminate this mental illness. Perhaps the best way to stop compulsive theft mania is by using cognitive behavioral therapy.

The person with a maniacal theft does not seek help because he is ashamed of the problem he suffers from (Getty Images)

Characteristics of theft freak

People with theft mania differ from traditional shop robbers. A maniac thief does not want to risk, take revenge, or seek financial gain, but rather has a very strong desire to steal something that he cannot resist. He also does not plan to do this unlike the traditional thief who pre-designs his plot to carry out the theft.

Often spontaneously steals sick people, and they rarely implicate another person for their crimes. Therefore, they always carry out their theft in public places instead of taking something from a friend or a loved one. A maniac usually steals things that can be bought easily, and is controlled by episodes of theft craze in times of extreme stress in his life.

The condition of Winona Ryder

Winona Ryder became one of the most brilliant Hollywood actresses, and she became very popular at a young age. However, she surprised her fans around the world when she stole various goods valued at more than $ 4,700 from various stores in Los Angeles. She faced a six-day trial during which she was convicted of all the charges of theft.

Winona suffered from anxiety and depression. This issue affected her career and earlier success. She had no intention of selling or using the things she had stolen, but rather hid her, just like people with this disorder.

Causes of theft mania

There are many theories about this mental illness, but the cause is still unknown. Some experts believe that the problem arises as a result of changes that occur in the depths of the brain. Consequently, more research should be done to understand why they feel the urgent need to steal. The following are the common theories for this:

1. Serotonin decrease

The chemical imbalance in the brain is the most reliable reason for explaining this condition, when Serotonin, this vital neurotransmitter, is low or unbalanced, a person becomes vulnerable to impulse control problems.

2. Addiction disorders

Dopamine is another neurotransmitter that experts believe is involved in some people with this disorder, because this chemical is responsible for generating feelings of pleasure, and can interfere with the reward system in a person's brain. Therefore, the medical community believes that disruption of this substance plays a role in the problem of impulse control.

3. Opium receptors

The brain contains an opioid system that helps regulate a person's motives. This system is affected when a person uses illegal drugs, making it difficult to resist using them.

However, other things can also affect these receptors. A person with a strong need to steal things may have to do these things, because opium receptors are out of control.

Only about 5% of thefts are committed by people with the aft mania (Getty Images)

Steal meaningless things

Store theft is estimated to cost retailers over ten million dollars annually. However, it is very unlikely that people carrying out these theft will suffer from theft mania problem.

And the Spanish magazine reported that only about 5% of thefts are committed by people with theft affliction. It is believed that the prevalence of this condition is estimated at about 1.2% of the population.

In addition, the real problem with the theft mania is that it is rarely diagnosed. If the injured think they have a problem, they will not dare to seek help because of the stigma attached to it. Consequently, many experienced frequent problems with the law and spent time in prison to steal meaningless things.

Experts highlighted the fact that the induction of theft often begins during adolescence. Surprisingly, more than two-thirds of people with this condition are women. What factors increase the situation?

Family history

Having a parent or siblings suffering from the same problem gives the person a greater chance to develop the condition. Other risk factors include addiction problems, and genetic links associated with obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Latent mental illness

Research indicates that a maniac of theft often suffers from a mental health disorder. Among the most common comorbidities are anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, and eating or personality disorders.

Complications of theft freak behavior

The constant need to steal items of little money value is a mental illness. If left untreated, it will cause major problems in your personal and professional life, as well as endless legal and financial problems.

The person who is obsessed with theft knows that it is not a good thing, but he cannot fight the motives he feels at home. Often a person is an honest citizen of society, so he often feels shy and guilty when his behavior defeats him.

The person with theft obsession is often an honest citizen of society, so he feels guilty and ashamed when his behavior defeats him (Getty Images)

Signs reveal theft mania

It is difficult for friends or family members to recognize the signs of theft mania at first. And with time it becomes clear and undeniable. An ordinary person can stop the desire to take something that is not his.

However, the presence of mental disorders complicates the situation further, it is common for anxiety, depression, personality disorder or any other mental health problem to be at the heart of the theft craze.

Here are the 10 most common behaviors that indicate theft of mania:

1. Compulsion of theft in childhood.

2. Severe anxiety attacks.

3. Hyperactivity disorder.

4. Self-inflicted behaviors.

5. Extreme stress in life.

6. Difficulty controlling impulse.

7. Other mental illnesses.

8. Drug use.

9. Poor self-esteem.

10. Restraint problems.