<Oh! Click> The last search term is'Cat Playground'.


It's a huge outdoor playground created by Mr. Roche for his cat.

Mr. Roche brought his companion cat'Jelly' at the girlfriend's suggestion last year, but at first it was tumultuous, but soon after, he fell in love with the cat Jelly.

Roche, who wanted to do something more and more, decided to make a really good playground for active and curious jellies, and over the course of a year, he completed a vast playground like the one you see now.

It is said that the place where jellies mostly like to sit, the way jellies usually play, and how to climb on the wall, was carefully observed, and it was said to have devoted tremendous effort to make the best playground.
Meanwhile, Mr. Roche adopted two more cats, and the three cats are having fun playing and napping on the playground.

Domestic netizens say, "Wow~ is it enough for people to play?" "Cats have tamed humans. Haha, please fight in the future!!"

(Source: BuzzBos)