Three children with high incidence of eye diseases need to be paid attention to

  Xinhua News Agency, Changsha, June 6th (Reporter Shuai Cai) The 6th is the National Eye Day. Experts pointed out that in recent years, children with myopia, strabismus, and amblyopia have high incidence of three eye diseases, which urgently require attention. Children's visual system is not mature, some children's eye disease is more hidden, resulting in missing the best treatment period.

  Professor Yang Zhikuan, a doctoral supervisor at the School of Ophthalmology, Central South University, introduced that in recent years, myopia has become the most common eye disease in children. Many people have misunderstandings about children's myopia, thinking that young children suffering from myopia do not need to wear glasses. Even if they wear glasses, they must choose lenses with lower degrees than actual. In fact, this is wrong. If the child is short-sighted but does not wear glasses, the degree of myopia will increase faster. Whether a child needs glasses or not requires a doctor to make a comprehensive judgment based on the clinical examination results. Yang Zhikuan reminded that parents should take their children to regular hospitals for examination if they find that their children are squinting or tilting their heads.

  Yang Zhikuan told reporters that strabismus is a common eye disease in children with high incidence in recent years. Children with strabismus cannot look forward with both eyes at the same time. In addition to the abnormal appearance, the children will also be bored, dizzy, and tilt their heads. There are many methods for correcting strabismus. Optical glasses, covering, visual training and other methods can be used for auxiliary treatment, and some children need surgical treatment.

  Yang Zhikuan introduced that the third type of high-incidence eye disease in children is amblyopia. There are clear causes of amblyopia, such as congenital cataracts, hyperopia, excessive difference in binocular power and strabismus. If children with amblyopia cannot be treated in time, it will usually cause binocular visual impairment that is difficult to reverse. The older the child is, the more difficult it is to correct.

  Yang Zhikuan reminded that children should use their eyes scientifically, and should ensure 2 hours of outdoor activities every day, reduce the use of long-term close-eyes, and do not use electronic products for a long time. Parents should pay more attention to their children's eye health, and take their children to regular hospitals for eye and vision examinations every year. When the child has myopia, intervention and correction should be carried out in time to avoid deepening the degree of myopia.