
06 June 2020The Scala Theater will perform a voluntary serological test on all workers. Unions, which asked for them before returning to work, and management reached an agreement.

A form will be sent to everyone by email or will be delivered when, in the next few days, they will be able to return to Piermarini to collect the paycheck. The test will be performed by the Sacco hospital. Professor Giuliano Rizzardini, director of infectious diseases, had a meeting with the Scaligeri, in particular with the permanent commission on safety.

At the moment with Rizzardini the security protocols of the various theater departments are being finalized, which are well advanced. On the other hand, what concerns the artistic masses is more delicate, and in many cases - for example that of choristers and wind instruments - masks cannot wear.

A new commission meeting is scheduled for Thursday which is now at the final stages of the work. Then the technicians will begin to return to the theater to dismantle the sets of the shows still present in the theater ('Il Turco in Italia', 'Trovatore' and 'Salomé', which never went on stage). In the meantime, the Scala takes advantage of the closure to do some extraordinary maintenance work such as the renovation of the stage. "Our plan A - said Paolo Puglisi of the CGIL - is to reopen in September if we are allowed". Certainly the first step towards recovery will be the reopening of the Scala museum, perhaps by June.