During the past weeks, there has been a lot of talk about the role of certain vitamins in dealing with the emerging coronavirus, "SARS Cove 2", which causes Covid-19, and here we present the latest findings of the scientists.

Beginning with vitamin C, as it turned out to be the "most powerful vitamin to counter" Corona virus to date, based on experience in China and yielding promising results.

Vitamin C (also known as ascorbic acid) is a water-soluble vitamin that works as an antioxidant, as it protects the body from the harmful effects of free radicals, pollutants and toxins.

Vitamin C is necessary for connective tissues in the body, and plays an important role in bone formation, healing of wounds, and maintaining the health of the gums. It also performs a number of functions such as converting the amino acid (tryptophan) to the neurotransmitter (serotonin).

The body needs vitamin C to perform normal physiological functions. It helps in the manufacture and metabolism of many important substances such as folic acid. It also facilitates the conversion of cholesterol into bile acids, thereby reducing cholesterol levels in the blood. It also increases iron absorption in the gut.

Fight Covid-19

A group of doctors, which included 30 doctors who worked to treat 300 people with coronavirus at Qian Jiyatong Hospital in China, developed a treatment protocol based on vitamin C, which later proved to be effective in raising the chances of treatment with the virus, thus reducing mortality, according to a report. Published by Deutsche Welle.

In a report on the study, Chinese doctors explained that they injected patients with vitamin C as a liquid liquid, whether they had slight or strong symptoms after they were infected with the Coruna virus.

According to the clinical results, the liquid vitamin C injection had promising results, according to Dr. Richard Scheng, one of the members of the treatment team, according to the German "Heilbruckek" website.

And because the public cannot obtain a vitamin C injection because it is only used in medical experiments or in hospitals, these doctors advise people to rely on what they have from the natural stores of this vitamin to get a good daily dose.

Where there?

Fruits that contain high levels of vitamin C include: pineapple, orange, lemon and grapefruit. As for broccoli and cabbage, they top the rest of the vegetables with the highest levels of vitamin C.

Vitamins are also found in tangerines, guava, kiwi, strawberries, mangoes, apples, tomatoes, broccoli and sweet red pepper.

And because vitamin C quickly clears its action due to heat, it is preferable not to multiply in vegetable cooking except in a few minutes. It is also advised to eat lemon juice instead of drinking it in tea or hot with honey, as is common when catching a common cold.

According to the German Society for Nutrition, the daily dose of vitamin C ranges between 95 and 110 milligrams, indicating that it is better to supply the body this amount naturally through foods rich in vitamin. The Assembly
noted the
antioxidant, so it works to strengthen the immune system, and it is characterized by a large bone health, teeth, skin, blood vessels, energy metabolism and the absorption of iron and nervous importance.
Can be
inferred from a lack of vitamin C through some symptoms such as frequent infections and bleeding gums and bleeding nose, shortness of breath and a general feeling of fatigue. It may
not the
supervision of a doctor, because taking vitamin overdose limit side effects is the digestive system problems such as diarrhea, bloating and nausea, along with kidney stones.

Vitamin D.

As for vitamin D, it has been reported that it may help in the fight against the Corona virus, but according to a report published on the BBC website, there is no evidence that it reduces the risk of developing corona.

But, on the other hand, experts believe it may have benefits during the Corona epidemic, as vitamin D supplements will improve the health of people who are deficient in it.

Some researchers have suggested that vitamin D deficiency may be associated with more complications if someone is infected with the Coronavirus.

Professor John Rhodes, Professor of Honorary Medicine in the United Kingdom, says that Vitamin D has anti-inflammatory effects, and there is some research indicating that it may weaken the body's immune (anti-viral) response to viruses, and this may benefit Corona virus patients with severe disease, A severe inflammatory response, or a cytokine storm, may cause lung damage.

In a cytokine storm, a dangerous immune response occurs, in which immune cells are excessively produced and enter the lungs, leading to a deterioration in the body similar to septicemia. This is accompanied by a decrease in breathing and pneumonia, which may eventually lead to death.

But the professor stresses the need for further research to explore this.

Vitamin D is important for bones, teeth, and muscles, and its deficiency can lead to rickets in children, and a similar bone weak condition called osteomalacia in adults.

Recommended limit

Generally, it is recommended that 400 IU of vitamin D per day be obtained for adults and children older than one year. The doctor may recommend greater intake in some people or those who suffer from its deficiency.

Some studies suggest that avoiding vitamin D deficiency may help cope with common cold and flu, but there is no agreement on whether vitamin D might boost the immune system.

Vitamin D is produced in the body as a result of exposure to the sun, as it can be obtained from fatty fish such as salmon, swordfish and mackerel, in addition to tuna and sardines that contain vitamin D at lower rates. Vitamins can also be found in egg yolk, beef liver, and fortified foods like cereals and milk.

Vitamin D can also be obtained in the form of nutritional supplements, but this should only be under the supervision of a physician.

In conclusion, we affirm that taking vitamin C or D is not a means of protecting against corona, but rather the means are measures of social divergence, general hygiene, and following the health instructions issued by the Ministry of Health in your country.