A brigade in the Tibet Military Region let go and let young cadres dominate the difficult and difficult subjects training-the
  new platoon leader shoots the "protagonist" at night

  Late at night, the gunners formed an array. Recently, a brigade of the Tibet Military Region conducted a live fire training at night on the plateau.

  "Ruler ××, direction ××, grenade instant fuze, × loading..." Although the night darkness conditions adversely affected the commander's determination of the target's position, the second battalion fire company platoon leader Merob still passed the night vision equipment Accurately observe and report, quickly calculate the shooting data, and decisively order the firing.

  Suddenly, a shell exploded and hit the target... its Merob won the first battle.

  Who could have imagined that just three months ago, the brigade was pulling the aircraft at night, and similar to the dark night, two-thirds of the shells of its tanks under the command of the Merob actually missed the target. In the face of defeat, he felt as if he was on his back and was so ashamed that he wanted to dig into the ground.

  One defeat hits sober cognition. That night, Qi Meiluobo was lying on the bed, tossing and turning, hard to sleep. Recalling that since he was a platoon leader, he often relied on the on-the-spot guidance of the chief officer or the old platoon leader when he encountered shooting at night, and he was often satisfied with the training of other difficult subjects.

  It is not only Merlot who is reflecting. The party committee of the brigade also reflected on the reasons for the slow growth of its young cadres such as the Merob, and introduced targeted measures. They decided to boldly train newcomers and give junior commanders more opportunities for platoon formation, decision-making and command when planning military work, especially organizing training activities, letting them explore their experience and find self-confidence.

  Since then, Qi Meiluobo actively pressurized himself, and also found that his "burden" suddenly became a lot heavier: the full company live shooting training was organized by him throughout the process, and other cadres assisted; strengthened volley offensive combat exercises let him make decisions Command, soldiers and affiliated forces are dispatched by him... Facing each training opportunity, his Merob calmly responds to challenges, actively grows his ability, and his combat command ability is significantly improved.

  Look back at the training ground that night. "Release!" With the clang command issued by his Merob, the last shell hit the target, and the precise impact point proved that: let go and temper, and the tender shoulder can also pick the beam.

  In this night shooting, the new platoon leader played a "full house".

  Above: A brigade in the Tibet Military Region fired artillery at night. Photo by Jian Mao