China News, June 3, comprehensive report, real-time statistical data from Johns Hopkins University in the United States shows that as of 20:33 on June 3, Beijing time, there were more than 6.41 million confirmed cases in the new crown worldwide, with a cumulative death of more than 38 Ten thousand cases. The demonstrations and protests in the United States that have continued for many days have spread to many countries around the world. People have not worn masks or accelerated the spread of the new coronavirus. Many countries have accelerated vaccine research and development, but Fuch, the chief infectious disease expert in the United States, said he is "cautiously optimistic" about the new crown vaccine.

On June 1, local time, in the Manhattan district of New York City, the people took to the streets to hold protests.

U.S. protests spread

People don’t wear masks or speed up the spread of the virus

  At present, the cumulative number of newly diagnosed cases in the United States has exceeded 1.83 million, and the cumulative deaths have exceeded 106,000.

  The protests caused by the death of American African-American man Freud are still continuing to develop in the United States and have spread to the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Canada, the Netherlands, Denmark, Australia, Iran and New Zealand.

On May 31, local time, in Copenhagen, Denmark, protesters gathered outside the US Embassy in Denmark to hold protests and demonstrations.

  Although most people wear masks during the demonstrations, many people still do not wear masks and do not maintain sufficient social distance, causing local government and public health experts to worry. They believe that this may accelerate the spread of the new coronavirus, leading to the emergence of a second wave of outbreaks.

  On June 2, local time, the Minnesota National Guard stated that after one member had been diagnosed with the new coronavirus and nine others had symptoms, they planned to test all 7,000 members for the new coronavirus. Many public health experts said that because of the conflict between many policemen and protesters who were not wearing masks, they were worried about the virus or mass spread.

The picture shows researchers are developing a new coronavirus mRNA vaccine. Photo by Tang Yanjun

Many countries accelerate the development of vaccines

Experts are "cautiously optimistic"

  At the same time, many countries are continuously advancing the research and development of new crown vaccines.

  Some pharmaceutical companies in Japan are accelerating the development of domestic new crown vaccines, and vaccine development has been vigorously promoted by the Japanese government.

  There are three research institutes in Russia that are developing nine new crown vaccines, eight of which have been registered with the World Health Organization. On the other hand, Sergey Borisevich, director of the 48th Central Scientific Research Institute of the Russian Ministry of Defense, said that the National Gamaleea Epidemiology and Microbiology Research Center and the Ministry of Defense will complete human trials of the new coronavirus vaccine in July .

  On June 2, local time, Wendy Sammons-Jackson, the head of the US military’s infectious disease research project, said that certain groups in the United States may be vaccinated by "some form of vaccine" before the end of the year.

Source: Foch, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.

  However, Fuch, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, is concerned that the potential vaccine of the new coronavirus may be "poorly durable." He believes that the new crown vaccine may not provide long-term immunity. He is cautiously optimistic about whether he can develop an effective new crown vaccine.

The impact of the epidemic on the economy is highlighted

Resume work while fighting against epidemic in many countries

  At present, the epidemic situation in different parts of the world is different. In Europe, as the epidemic has stabilized, many national defense control measures have been relaxed. Since June 2 local time, restaurants, cafes, bars, etc. across France have resumed business, and most junior and high schools have resumed classes; many German states have further expanded the scope of "unblocking", and the capital Berlin will re-open bars and gyms from the same day. .

  In Latin America, although the epidemic situation is still unstable, countries such as Brazil, Mexico, Bolivia and Venezuela have begun to relax restrictions and allow some enterprises to resume production.

On June 1, local time, in Sao Paulo, Brazil, vehicles were driving on the bustling Paulista Avenue. China News Agency reporter Mo Chengxiong

  On the other hand, the impact of the epidemic on the economies of various countries began to become prominent. According to statistics from the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare of Japan, a total of about 16,000 people in Japan were fired for the new crown epidemic. The data released by the US Congress Budget Office on June 1 showed that even if all the relief funds can be used to mitigate the impact of the epidemic, the epidemic may still be possible in the next 10 years. Caused US economic losses of US$7.9 trillion.

  On June 2, local time, Etienne, Regional Director of the Americas of the World Health Organization and head of the Pan-American Health Organization warned that some countries restarted their economies too quickly, "may be facing the risk of the new crown virus coming back, which may erase the past few years. Months of prevention and control effectiveness."