"G7 framework continues to be important" Chief Cabinet Secretary Kan 1 June 13:20

In connection with the fact that President Trump of the United States described the G7 Summit = summit meeting of seven major countries as "an outdated group," Secretary-General Suga will cooperate with Japan on international issues and cooperation. He recognized that it is still important as a place to confirm.

US President Trump has announced his intention to postpone the G7 Summit, which was being held in Washington later this month, until September, and would like to invite four countries including Russia and South Korea to discuss China. Showed the idea to do.

Regarding this, Chief Cabinet Secretary Suga said that Prime Minister Abe would make a visit to the site once the schedule was decided, but he said, "I understand that the G7 schedule and the form of the conference are under consideration by the presidency, the United States. I would like to refrain from commenting at this point. "

On the other hand, President Trump said that "G7 countries are outdated groups," and Chief Cabinet Secretary Suga said, "The G7 framework is confronted by the international community among the participating major countries. It will continue to be important as a place to confirm policies and tackle issues to be addressed. ”

In addition, in connection with Russia's participation, he was asked to recognize the annexation of Crimea, but he said, "It is consistent with the Japanese government that respecting Ukrainian sovereignty and territorial integrity and not allowing Russia to annex Crimea. I am in a position. I would like to continue to respond firmly while maintaining solidarity with the G7 and other international communities. "