The epidemic situation of new coronary pneumonia is popular all over the world, and "immunity" has become a hot topic. Among them, the popularity of probiotics has continued to rise, and various health products and foods under the probiotic sign on the market are also dazzling. What are probiotics? Are probiotics really "probiotic"? What are the "pits" to avoid when choosing this kind of product ... Recently, Li Biansheng, a professor at the School of Food Science and Engineering at South China University of Technology and chairman of the Guangdong Food Society, visited Nanfang Daily, Nanfang + "Health + Live Class" to explain probiotics Use tips.

Probiotics regulate immunity depends on activity

  Professor Li Biansheng introduced that, as the name implies, probiotics are microorganisms that are beneficial to our health. According to the definitions of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization and the World Health Organization, probiotics refer to activities that are ingested into the body at a certain dose and are helpful to the health of the host. Of these microorganisms. The discovery and application of probiotics has a history of more than 100 years. Studies have found that on the one hand, probiotics can directly affect our cell media, on the other hand, they can also reduce the pathogenic bacteria by improving intestinal flora, thereby achieving immune regulation, etc. Multiple functions. The most studied strains include lactobacillus and bifidobacteria.

  For probiotics to work, they must pass through the gastric acid barrier to reach the human intestines. Therefore, when screening bacteria, people need these probiotics to be resistant to stomach acid and bile salts to ensure the activity of probiotics. "In addition, we also take some methods to protect these live bacteria as much as possible, so that it can pass through our stomach, and finally reach the small intestine and large intestine. For example, we use microcapsules to embed the bacteria, so that the microcapsules will break after reaching the small intestine. Release probiotics. "Professor Li Biansheng introduced.

The elderly are also suitable for using probiotics

  In daily life, many parents know that doctors often prescribe medicinal probiotics when the baby has diarrhea. Some netizens worry about whether probiotics given to children will interfere with their native flora. Professor Li Biansheng pointed out that whether they will disturb the native flora depends on whether the flora in the child is normal. Flora, we hope to improve the distribution of intestinal flora through external interference. "

  Professor Li Biansheng introduced that the research found that from infants to adults to the elderly, the flora of the human body will change greatly. After entering old age, the types and numbers of human flora will decrease, so after old age gastrointestinal or digestive functions are prone to problems, such as constipation, so probiotics are also very suitable for the elderly.

  However, in daily life, the elderly may encounter "too cold" problems when using probiotic products. "The storage conditions of most live bacteria products are about 4 ° C. If they are taken out directly, they may not be suitable for the elderly to drink directly," Professor Li Biansheng suggested. For the elderly, these refrigerated products can be taken a few hours earlier from Take it out of the refrigerator and put it at room temperature, the probiotics will not deteriorate in a short time at room temperature, don't worry too much. In addition, the elderly can also warm the probiotic products with warm water, but pay special attention to the temperature of the water can not be too high, otherwise it is easy to "burn" probiotics, when brewing some dry solid probiotic powder, also pay attention to the water temperature Not too high.

Tips for using probiotic products

  How to maintain the activity of probiotics to maximize its effect? What are the precautions when purchasing products? Professor Li Biansheng shared some experiences:

  First, when buying probiotic products, pay attention to the production date of the product. The closer to the production date, the fresher the product and the higher the number of viable bacteria. With long-term storage, the number of viable bacteria may decrease.

  Second, special attention should also be paid to the product placement process. Live bacteria products are suitable to be placed in a cool, dry and even low temperature environment. For example, probiotic drinks or yogurt can be stored in the home refrigerator at about 4 ° C and cannot be frozen, otherwise it will affect the quality of live bacteria. Some dry powder products can be placed in a cool place at room temperature, avoiding the high temperature environment of light, can better maintain the active state.

  Third, when eating, it is recommended that you eat after meals to reduce the killing of probiotics by stomach acid. At the same time, pay attention to water temperature control during brewing, not higher than 60 ℃, to avoid killing probiotics.

  Professor Li Biansheng suggested to choose probiotic products of brand enterprises as much as possible. "Because large companies are more regulated in the selection of raw materials or the control and management of production processes, the quality of products is guaranteed. When buying products, special attention should be paid to the product label, indicating what bacteria are in the product, probably What quantity, daily accumulation of common sense, to see if the product contains the probiotics we expect. If conditions permit, choose products of live bacteria as much as possible. "

  Nanfang Daily reporter Yan Huifang Wei Hongquan