Russia intends to stay in Open Skies treaty despite US withdrawal

Valdimir Putin's Russia will remain in the Open Skies Treaty (Illustration). Alexey DRUZHININ / SPUTNIK / AFP

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Washington is withdrawing from the Open Skies treaty which, since 2002, has enabled it to monitor the military movements of the 34 signatory countries. Reason invoked by the United States? Repeated violations of Russia. Russia defends itself from these accusations, and deplores the American decision. However, Moscow announces its intention to remain a party to the treaty.


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From our correspondent in MoscowDaniel Vallot

It was the Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs, Alexandre Grouchko, who declared it to the Russian agency Ria Novosti  : "  As long as the treaty is in force we intend to respect it  (...) and we let's assume that other countries will do the same  . ”

No question therefore for the moment of a Russian withdrawal from the Open Skies Treaty. However, Moscow regrets the American decision, and downplays the violations alleged against it by Washington by describing them as simple "  technical questions  " that nothing prevented from settling through dialogue.

Kaliningrad enclave

Among these "  violations  " alleged against Russia by Washington, there is access to the enclave of Kaliningrad, and the outskirts of the territories of South Ossetia and Abkahazia, which Moscow considers to be independent of Georgia. For its part, Russia asserts that it too has reproaches to formulate with the United States concerning the application of the treaty, in particular the overflight of the Hawaiian Islands in the Pacific.

Russia, which will continue to respect the Open Skies Treaty, theoretically means that European countries will be able to fly over Russian territory if they request it. Experts quoted by the Russian press point out that this will create an information imbalance, since the information collected by European countries will likely be passed on to their American ally.

► Read also: Donald Trump announces the withdrawal of the United States from the Open Skies Treaty

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