On May 21st, the third session of the 13th National People's Congress held a press conference in the press hall of the Great Hall of the People. A spokesperson for the conference answered questions from Chinese and foreign reporters on issues related to the agenda of the conference and the work of the NPC.

  Zhang Yesui, Spokesperson of the Third Session of the 13th National People's Congress: Ladies and gentlemen, media friends, good evening everyone! Everyone is welcome to interview the Third Session of the 13th NPC. At present, all the preparations for the conference have been completed. The conference just held a preparatory meeting and adopted the conference agenda. The 13th National People's Congress actually has 2,956 deputies. At present, 2,902 deputies have reported to the conference.

  Zhang Yesui: More than a year after the Second Session of the 13th National People's Congress, under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, the NPC Standing Committee fully implemented the major decision-making arrangements of the Party Central Committee and exercised legislative and supervisory powers , Decision-making power, appointment and dismissal power, and new progress and new results in various work. The legislative work continued to show more weight, faster rhythm, and higher requirements. A total of 47 draft laws and draft decisions were reviewed and 34 were passed. The supervision work has been carried out around major reform and development tasks, played the role of representative, and made new progress in contacting representatives and serving representatives.

  Zhang Yesui: 2020 is the year when a well-off society will be fully built and the 13th Five-Year Plan will be completed. The conference will be guided by Xi Jinping ’s socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics in the new era, adhere to the party ’s leadership, the people are the masters of the country, and govern the country in accordance with the law. The responsibilities entrusted by the Constitution and the law form a democratic, united, pragmatic and progressive conference.

  Zhang Yesui: The 7-day conference will open on the morning of May 22 and close on the afternoon of 28. Three plenary meetings will be arranged. There are 9 items on the agenda of the Congress, namely: reviewing government work reports, reviewing plan reports and drafts, reviewing budget reports and drafts, reviewing civil code drafts, and reviewing the establishment and improvement of the legal system and implementation of national security by the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region The draft decision of the mechanism, the work report of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, the work report of the Supreme People's Court, the work report of the Supreme People's Procuratorate, and other matters.

  Zhang Yesui: According to the current situation of the new coronavirus epidemic, a series of necessary prevention and control measures will be taken during the meeting, and some arrangements will be adjusted. The conference will organize press conferences, press conferences, "representative channels", "minister channels" and other interview activities through online video. Do not arrange delegations to open group activities and collective interviews, and encourage support representatives to be interviewed by video. The specific information about the conference schedule, the time of the press conference and other activities will be released in a timely manner through the conference news center webpage and WeChat public account, etc., please pay attention to it.

  Zhang Yesui: The conference will strictly implement the eight central regulations and the spirit of its implementation rules, practice economy, work diligently and frugally, adhere to a frugal and pragmatic meeting style, and strengthen supervision of meeting style and discipline. The conference will continue to uphold the spirit of openness and transparency, and actively provide various services through off-site means such as network, video, and written materials. I wish everyone a smooth job, thank you!

  (Organized according to the webcast text)