Kurokawa Attorney General's remarks Prime Minister Abe “Acknowledges the response and is responsible as Prime Minister” May 21 19:28

Prime Minister Abe told reporters at the Prime Minister's official residence that the Attorney General Kurokawa Hiroshi Kurokawa of the Tokyo High Public Prosecutor's Office submitted a resignation. After that, Mr. Kurokawa submitted a resignation and reported that he / she understood it. The Ministry of Justice accepted the response. "

On the other hand, regarding the extension of the retirement age of prosecutor Kurokawa in January this year, the Ministry of Justice requested a cabinet decision through a rigorous process. , I have a responsibility. I want to take criticism seriously. "

In addition, Prime Minister Abe commented on the bill that gradually raises the retirement age of civil servants, including the public prosecutor, `` When reforming the system of civil servants, including the extension of retirement age, it is essential to listen to the opinions of the public, and without understanding the public. I understand that the LDP has the opinion that the social situation is extremely severe and that the situation is different from when this bill was made. It is necessary to carefully consider including such things. There is. "