• Copasir: the Immuni app presents critical issues, they must be corrected
  • Phase two, the developers: the Immuni app is on track


May 20, 2020 Apple and Google have announced that they have released smartphone technology that will allow the development of apps that can automatically notify people that they may have been exposed to the coronavirus. Among the 22 countries that will use this software also Italy with the Immuni app.

The system relies on Bluetooth technology to detect whether a user who downloaded the app had contacts with someone who later tested positive for Covid-19.       

Until now, the attempts made so far have encountered technical problems but the cooperation between Apple and Google which - with iOs and Android - practically control all the operating systems at a global level should allow to overcome obstacles, while maintaining the necessary privacy protections . The identity of the users of the apps will be protected by anonymous and fast-changing encryption and identification beacons .       

"User adoption is the key to success and we believe these robust privacy protections are also the best way to encourage the use of these apps," said the two companies, pointing out how new technology simplifies detection. mutual iPhone and Android phones, is not bound to national borders and solves some of the problems such as those on the autonomy of the phone battery.