The Libyan Dar Al-Iftaa issued today a new statement about the recruitment of mercenaries from the Sudan and Chad by the UAE to fight in the ranks of retired general Khalifa Haftar who has been launching an attack on the capital, Tripoli, for more than a year. 

The statement stated that the Libyan people are subjected to the harshest types of aggression and brutality by "coup criminals who aim to gain power over the skulls of the sons of Islam and destroy the country's capabilities."

He added, "The revolutionaries besieged the capital for more than a year, and carried out acts that amounted to the forehead of all those who have a chivalry, including killing and mutilating bodies, abusing prisoners, and random shelling with rockets and artillery on crowded residential neighborhoods, hospitals and civilian facilities."

The statement said that this aggression resulted in the killing of thousands, the displacement of hundreds of thousands of residents and the destruction of their homes, as well as the restrictions on millions of residents by cutting water to them, sabotaging power stations and closing oil ports. “With this aggression, the people of the truth remain steadfast in their defense of their religion and their land.”

He also mentioned that Haftar and the supportive countries, when they despaired from entering the capital and incurred heavy losses in lives and equipment, recently resorted to bringing in mercenaries from sister countries that have friendly and neighborly relations with Libya, such as Sudan and Chad, "to kill the Libyans in exchange for a handful of dinars." 

The statement stressed that everyone who has elitism and chivalry cannot leave these young people "exploited by influential people and sell them to the Emirates as slaves are sold in the slave market, and exploit their poverty, vulnerability and need to work, and they are pushed to death in order to achieve the whims of the revolutionaries."


 We want a position and
appealed to the Council of Research and Sharia Studies in the Libyan Ifta House Sudan’s scholars and those concerned with it “to have a position on this blatant aggression, stopping bloodshed, cheap trafficking in their youth, and their recruitment by the Emirates as mercenaries, who buy money, to die in the desert among the gangs of warp that Led by war criminal Hifter. "

"The news continued to disclose the names of those involved in the government of Sudan in bringing mercenaries to serve the UAE, which would have dangerous consequences for the two countries in the future, and these traffickers would go with blood, and the feuds and discord remain between the two peoples because of their actions," the statement said. 

And the Libyan Dar al-Iftaa statement concluded by appealing to the Sudanese scholars and its wise men to "have a position that reminds them of it, and they have people, and they are not alien to their brotherhood and mercy, as a contribution from them in injecting the blood of their Muslim brothers, and the discharge of duty, and God is the one who uses, and he has no strength but strength ".