Yesterday, the Russian authorities announced that the number of deaths due to infection with the newly created Corona virus (Covid-19) increased to 2,631 deaths after recording 94 new deaths during the past 24 hours, while Moscow residents flocked to the laboratories with the authorities launching a wide-ranging examination process to discover the cases Infected with the virus. The Russian Emergency Center said in a statement that the health authorities recorded 9707 new infections with the virus during the past 24 hours, bringing the total infections in the country to 281 thousand and 752 cases, adding that 4,207 cases were recovered during the same period, bringing the total of those who recovered from the virus to 67,373 cases.

Residents of the Russian capital Moscow visited the examination centers in response to the comprehensive examination plan called by the authorities, and the authorities indicated that they had conducted 6.6 million tests since the outbreak began.

This plan aims to identify and isolate asymptomatic cases, which represent just under half of all infections in Russia. It also led to a decrease in the death rate in the country. The Russians can conduct the examination in the laboratory, at work or at home, thanks to the multiplicity of regulations in place, and in the outskirts of Moscow, the start-up company "Sistema-Biotech", which is affiliated to the Russian company "FK Sistema" Holding Company, greatly facilitates the collective examination of the population, and is proud The company is able to develop a rapid screening system that detects the possibility of a 19-minute Covid epidemic within 30 minutes, with equipment that can be transported in a classic medical bag. This test allows the detection of a health defect in the patient who is then asked to undergo a wider examination in the laboratory.

And Moscow, last Friday, in addition to the campaign to detect infection with the emerging corona virus, launched a campaign of other large-scale tests to determine the presence of antibodies in the population to study the possible development of "collective immunity", and the samples will be drawn randomly.


Millions of tests conducted by Russia since the outbreak began.

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