The growth of coronavirus distribution in Russia has been stopped, said Anna Popova, head of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare in the Moscow. Kremlin. Putin. " According to her, stabilization is observed throughout the country.

“The level of stability that we were all waiting for, we were moving towards him. I would say that we have stopped growth today, ”RIA Novosti quoted her as saying. Popova added that "there is practically no day to the day of growth."

“Stabilization is observed throughout the country, all regions have ensured that the situation is stabilizing, and this, of course, is the result of such a careful attitude to their health,” added the head of Rospotrebnadzor.

Recall that over the past day in 85 regions of Russia recorded 9709 new cases of the disease COVID-19. In the previous 24 hours, 9,200 new cases were found in the Russian Federation, 10,598 a day before. A total of 281,752 cases of COVID-19 were confirmed in the country.

Since the beginning of the epidemic in Russia, 2631 deaths (0.93%) from complications that developed against the background of coronavirus infection and related diseases have been recorded. During the same time, 67,373 people (23.9%) recovered in the country.

In the number of cases of coronavirus infection detected per day, Moscow (3855), Moscow Region (907) and St. Petersburg (451) are leading.

According to the head of Rospotrebnadzor, most Russians did not get COVID-19 because they did not break the rules.

“If we learn to comply with them constantly, learn not to make any exceptions or exceptions for myself, I’m wearing a mask today and nothing tomorrow ... When we get used to it, then we can be sure that we will not have to tighten measures” - said Popova.

She also admitted that the coming summer will have to comply with all existing sanitary rules to reduce the risks of the disease.

Step-by-step removal of restrictions in the suburbs

Meanwhile, in the suburbs are preparing to remove some of the restrictions in the region. From Monday, May 18, industrial enterprises will begin to work in the region, in addition, work will be resumed at housing and communal services, as well as budget, residential and commercial construction.

As the head of the region, Andrei Vorobyov, explained, sanitary rules must be strictly followed everywhere.

“We are launching industries where it is relatively easy to do, where you can limit close contact between people and there is no work with visitors,” the governor explained on his page on the VKontakte network.

However, he emphasized that a number of other restrictions would remain in force, in particular electronic passes. In addition, non-food items will continue to work in a remote format to avoid crowding.

“First, we’ll make sure that the rules work and that there is no increase in incidence. And only then release the nuts. A lot here will depend on the responsible approach of each of us, ”Vorobyov added.

The death of health workers in Dagestan

The Ministry of Health of Dagestan has published clarifying data on the situation with the death of 40 health workers in the region against the backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Recall that earlier the head of the Dagestan Ministry of Health, Jamaludin Hajiyibragimov, in an interview with blogger Ruslan Kurbanov, said that, according to him, since the beginning of the epidemic in the region, more than 40 doctors have died from pneumonia and the consequences of coronavirus infection.

Later, the agency explained that among the employees of medical institutions in the republic who died during the pandemic, there were middle, junior medical staff and other employees, not just doctors. Among the causes of their deaths were also featured not only COVID-19 and pneumonia, the ministry said.

“Since the beginning of the pandemic in Dagestan, about 40 health workers have died. This is not only doctors, but also the middle, junior medical staff and other employees. And not all of them died from coronavirus and pneumonia, there were other diagnoses, ”noted the Dagestan Ministry of Health.

According to the ministry, cases of infection of doctors “from family members, relatives, as well as attending memorial events” were recorded.

The department also emphasized that we are talking about people who died "not only from coronavirus or pneumonia, but there are also cases due to a stroke, someone had chronic heart failure."