Buenos Aires (AFP)

Former Argentine SG Paris and Naples striker Ezequiel Lavezzi, who ended his career in December, filed a complaint in Buenos Aires claiming to be a victim in a sextape blackmail case, we learned Wednesday from judicial sources.

The former Argentinian international, 35, said he received messages from one or more people threatening to broadcast intimate videos of him on the Internet if he did not agree to pay 5,000 dollars (4,600 euros) for each. between them.

Lawyers for Lavezzi, who ended his career in the Chinese club Hebei Fortune, have filed a complaint with an investigating judge responsible for cybercrime.

According to them, the content of the videos is probably authentic.

While Argentina has been placed in containment due to the coronavirus pandemic, Lavezzi is currently on the Caribbean island of Saint-Barthélemy (France), alongside his partner, the Brazilian model Natalia Borges. The latter has also received threats on social networks, according to several sources.

The Argentinian press described the case as "pornographic extortion".

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