France: towards a split of the LaREM group in the National Assembly?

The ranks of the elected members of the National Assembly were very sparse, confinement requires, for the debate on the state of health emergency, Sunday March 22, 2020. Ludovic Marin / Pool via REUTERS

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According to Les Echos and Le Figaro, some twenty En Marche deputies are preparing to leave the macronist group in the Assembly to form a new group called "Ecology, democracy, solidarity" which will be "neither in the majority nor in the 'opposition' according to their profession of faith. If the information is confirmed, En Marche would lose the absolute majority in the hemicycle


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The breakup does not surprise many people in Macronie. Many expected it. It's inevitable,  " slipped a walker a few months ago.

These twenty deputies, mostly from the left, very often heard their own music, often out of step with the line of government. Always the same,  " sighed the party leadership.

Future ex-walkers like Aurélien Taché or Guillaume Chiche are preparing to join around thirty other elected officials , some of whom have already distanced themselves from Macronie like the ecologist Matthieu Orphelin or the Parisian dissident Cédric Villani.

Direct consequence of this secession: the Republic in March would lose the absolute majority in the hemicycle . LaREM will need the MoDem, the ally now essential to ensure the voting of texts. For Emmanuel Macron, it is obviously a heavy blow. A part of his troops leaves him while he negotiates a perilous deconfinement.

In a message sent to all En Marche deputies, the group's general staff deplored an "  attempt to divide  " and recalled that without Emmanuel Macron, no walker would have been elected.

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  • France
  • Emmanuel Macron
  • Environment

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