
May 6, 2020 Agreement reached between Alitalia and the unions on the new layoffs until October 31. The agreement, reads a note from the Ministry of Labor, concerns 6,622 workers.

At the table chaired by Undersecretary for Labor Francesca Puglisi, the confrontation between the company and the unions to continue the use of the layoffs in rotation . In detail, 3339 workers belong to the flight crew and 3,283 to the ground staff. The layoff procedure on which Alitalia and the unions have reached an agreement concerns a total of 6,826 workers between Alitalia and the Regional Cityliner company,  as stated in the trade union document.

The agreement is reduced by two units compared to the company's initial request, which was 6,828 workers, of which 5,653 only to deal with the coronavirus emergency. The new Cigs concerns, specifically for Alitalia, 6,622 workers: 3,283 land workers, 458 commanders, 566 pilots and 2,315 cabin sailors. For Cityliner, instead 204 workers: 41 commanders, 58 pilots and 105 of cabin crew.

"At a time when all world air transport is suffering from an unprecedented crisis and in which there are thousands of job cuts, the agreement reached secures the income of ground and flight workers at a delicate moment for the company, "said Puglisi, underlining that" with this agreement it will be possible to accompany in the coming months the process of relaunching and reorganizing Alitalia which the government considers a priority and which will certainly be subject to further discussion with the social partners " .

"In the coming weeks, finally, the ministry undertakes to overcome all those interpretative difficulties for the layoffs in 2019 and the first quarter of 2020 of a part of the workers who have made the negotiation so complex, delaying its delivery, in such a way as to remove any residual insecurity for the future of Alitalia's workers. I thank the trade union organizations and the company for their capacity for dialogue and mutual listening and the structure of the Ministry of Labor ", he concluded.

On the other hand, the unions also say they are satisfied: "After long and arduous confrontation, which lasted many weeks at the Ministry of Labor, a positive outcome was achieved with the Alitalia group for the extraordinary layoff, scheduled until next 31 October ", said in a joint note Filt Cgil, Fit Cisl, Uiltrasporti and Uglta, which continue:" The signing of this agreement is an act of great responsibility to protect both the employment and the income of the employees of the Altalia group, in a phase of dramatic collapse of the air transport market for the covid-19 pandemic ".

The unions also ask that "discussions begin immediately with the government on the birth of the newco Alitalia, which will have to guarantee total employment, integrity of the perimeters of the activities, investments in the fleet, maintenance, handling and cargo, and the provision of an industrial plan. that you look at the interests of workers and the whole country. "

The agreement is also linked to the solution of previous problems. "This Cigs - explain the four union organizations - is the continuation of the protective fund launched by the extraordinary Alitalia administration in 2017, and will involve all the workers of the ground and flight group, including those of the cityliner". "The signing of this agreement provides the Ministry of Labor with the tools to dissolve the latest reservations and proceed rapidly with the issuing of the decrees necessary for a rapid and integral payment of the social safety nets, overcoming the obstacles arising from the sudden acts of some unions and autonomous minority associations , which generated lengthy checks by the Ministry of Labor, preventing the distribution of income additions from the solidarity fund for air transport to date, with serious damage and inconvenience to thousands of workers ".