Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, May 4 Question: Let the light of youth shine on the road to a strong country-From the message of General Secretary Xi Jinping to see the direction of youth in the new era

  Xinhua News Agency reporters Wang Peng, Wang Sibei, Wang Ziming

  "In the new era, the Chinese youth must inherit and carry forward the May 4th spirit, strengthen their ideals and beliefs, stand firm on the people's stand, cultivate their strong skills, devote themselves to strengthening the great cause of the country, and always maintain a struggling forward stance, work with hundreds of millions of people to realize the greatness of the Chinese nation. Fighting bravely on the new Long March to revive the Chinese dream. "

  On the occasion of the May Fourth Youth Day, General Secretary Xi Jinping addressed the young people of the new era, put forward goals and requirements for young people, and pointed out the way forward, inspiring them to achieve the "two The year of the "century" in which the goals of struggle struck together and made new and greater contributions.

  Take root at the grassroots level

  Going deep into villages and the masses, grasping the prevention and control of the epidemic situation, and promoting the resumption of production and production ... Since the outbreak of the new coronary pneumonia, 38-year-old Lu Qipeng, director of the Qidingshan Sub-district Office in Jinpu New District, Dalian City, Liaoning Province, has been holding the line.

  "General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that to stand firm on the people's standpoint is to require us to firmly establish the people's position as the main body of the people and consciously stand on the people's stand to think about problems and make decisions." Lu Qipeng said.

  Lu Qipeng said that after the outbreak, the greenhouse vegetables and large cherries produced locally were once out of stock. To this end, he took the initiative to contact the relevant sales platform, do a good job in production and marketing, and opened the market for greenhouse vegetables and large cherries. "We must earnestly solve the practical problems and do a good job at the grassroots level in order to win the trust and praise of the people." Lu Qipeng said.

  "Only by being trained in serving the grassroots, will people's position be consolidated and sublimated." Zhang Zhaohui, director of the Youth Volunteer Action Guidance Center of the Communist Youth League Central Committee, said, "The people's position is ultimately reflected in the feelings for the party and the people Must be down-to-earth practice in the grassroots line. "

  During the epidemic, Zhou Tuofu, a "90s" power worker from Jiayu County, Xianning, Hubei, volunteered to volunteer for volunteer services and buy medicines, vegetables and fruits for old people living alone in old communities. "Residents have needs, and we have actions. As Chinese youth in the new era, we must translate the requirements of General Secretary Xi Jinping into conscious action, using bit by bit service and dedication to show the responsibility of contemporary Chinese youth." Zhou Tuofu said.

  Hu Junpu, the party secretary of the "post-90s" village branch of Tuanjie Village, Shimen Township, Weining County, Bijie City, Guizhou, wrote the people ’s position on the front line of poverty alleviation.

  "As a youth poverty alleviation cadre, we have made unremitting efforts around the actual difficulties and needs of poor households. This is the actual action we adhere to to" stay the position of the people. " In order to achieve the goal of removing poverty from the county as scheduled, cadres at all levels are devoting all their efforts to combat poverty.

  Hu Junpu said: "In my future work, I will continue to take root at the grassroots level, integrate my best youthful years into the development of poor mountainous areas, and promote rural revitalization.

  Practicing excellent skills and taking on the important task of the times

  "In the face of the sudden new pneumonia epidemic, young people of all nationalities in the country actively responded to the party ’s call and actively participated in the epidemic prevention and control of the people ’s war, the overall war, and the war of resistance. The spirit of being responsible has won high praise from the party and the people. "

  The words of General Secretary Xi Jinping deeply touched Li Ran, the deputy leader of the first batch of Peking University People's Hospital. Since he arrived in Wuhan on the second day of the Chinese New Year, he and his colleagues devoted themselves to the intense work to fight the epidemic.

  Studying literature, academic discussions, and absorbing treatment experience from various places ... Li Ran introduced that while saving patients, they spend a lot of time constantly revising their knowledge of the virus and performing more scientific treatment.

  "As a doctor, you must practice your skills to benefit the people with kindness and benevolence." Li Ran said that in the days of fighting the epidemic, when he saw the blood oxygen saturation of severe patients increased, the breathing tended to be stable At the time, I feel that all the efforts are worth it.

  To develop excellent skills, we need to regard learning as a responsibility and a spiritual pursuit, and write an extraordinary life in an ordinary post.

  On April 28th, the selection results of the 24th "Chinese Youth May Fourth Medal" were announced. Pan Hu, a courier from Jiangsu Suning Logistics Co., Ltd., was among them.

  Delivery of more than 150,000 single express, travel more than 20,000 kilometers, delivery completion rate of 100%, this is Pan Hu's transcript since he served as a courier. According to Pan Hu, the courier brother has now changed from "leg runner" to "all-rounder". Instant delivery, delivery and packaging, packaging and recycling ... There is no shortage of various skills.

  Last year, in order to improve the comprehensive ability of couriers, Suning Logistics and Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications jointly established the "Express School". "I signed up for the first time, hoping to accumulate more skills for my work through learning." Pan Hu said.

  Only by practicing excellent skills can we fight with the hundreds of millions of people on the new Long March road to realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

  Fang Yi, chairman of Zhejiang Daily Interactive Network Technology Co., Ltd., which is committed to the field of digital technology, led the team to overcome difficulties and make breakthroughs in the early stage of the epidemic, and successfully developed a new intelligent platform for coronary epidemic prevention data.

  As a pathfinder in the field of digital technology, Fang Yi said that the application scenarios of digital technology are constantly enriching, and we cannot stop. "Our message from General Secretary Xi Jinping is very encouraging. We will work hard to practice our internal skills, transform knowledge and skills into specific ways to promote social development, and demonstrate the value of youth."

  Strengthen ideals and beliefs and devote themselves to strengthening the country

  Youth is the future of the motherland and the hope of the nation.

  The message from General Secretary Xi Jinping made Song Siyang, a doctoral student at the School of Aeronautics and Astronautics in Xi'an Jiaotong University, full of confidence in the next study and research work.

  "Finding the focus and direction of scientific research work based on the needs of the country is the first lesson I learned when I started my scientific research work. We must strengthen our ideals and beliefs, root the scientific research work in the development of the motherland's space industry, and integrate personal ideals into the country The overall situation of development contributes wisdom and strength to national construction. "Song Siyang said.

  One generation has the mission of the next generation, and the young have the responsibility of the young.

  "It is my long-cherished wish to contribute to the development of medical care in Tibet." Li Ang, an aid doctor from Peking University Medical Department, went to the Department of Endocrinology of the People's Hospital of Tibet Autonomous Region in August last year as deputy chief physician. When he does not go to the clinic, he often walks into the village to get in touch with the people. After repeated argumentation and research, he made many professional recommendations for the hospital on management standards, personnel training, and data collection.

  In another three months, Li Ang will end Tibet aid and return to Beijing. "I feel very honored to be able to personally participate in the construction of medical and health services in Tibet and use my knowledge to contribute to the development here." Li Ang said.

  Integrate dedication into the torrent of the times, and write the chapter of youth with struggle.

  Affected by the New Coronary Pneumonia epidemic, Duan Chunhui, a professor in the School of Materials Science and Engineering at South China University of Technology, and his team have been conducting online research to promote research in the field of solar cells for several months.

  "General Secretary Xi Jinping proposed to devote himself to the great cause of strengthening the country. For us, it is to write the paper on the motherland and work hard on basic research." In 2017, Duan Chunhui returned from the Netherlands and led the team to carry out scientific research in related fields. .

  "General Secretary Xi Jinping encourages young people to always maintain a struggling forward attitude. For our researchers, the stage to display their talents is ready, and only by striving can we live up to this era." Duan Chunhui said. (Participating in writing: Cai Yongjun, Liang Jianqiang, Luo Fei, Lin Miaomiao, He Leijing, Zhang Xuan, Xu Zuhua, Li Jian, Jinghuai Overseas Chinese)