“53 new cases of coronavirus infection were noted in the Primorsky Territory over the past day ... Since the beginning of the epidemic, the total number of patients with COVID-19 in Primorye has been 547,” the report said.

Most cases of coronavirus infection have been reported in Vladivostok, Nakhodka and Artyom.

In total, 66 people were cured of the infection in the region, and four died.

The head of the territorial administration of Rospotrebnadzor Tatyana Detkovskaya noted that the majority of patients with coronavirus in the Primorsky Territory are women.

In this case, the main way of infection is family-household contact.

On the eve of 39 reported cases of infection with COVID-19 in Primorye.

Since late April, restrictive measures have been tightened in the Primorsky Territory in connection with the spread of coronavirus.