Just before the pandemic broke out, EU countries decided on a "Green Deal", a roadmap to reduce climate-harmful emissions by one hundred percent by 2050. The roadmap means that SEK 10,000 billion will be invested in Europe by 2030 to change our societies .

In the call for Green Recovery, the signatories are calling on EU countries to make these plans a reality and ensure that the climate change program contributes to a rapid recovery of our economies.

The big companies are causing a lot of greenhouse gas emissions and we want to know how ikea department stores can help reduce the climate impact, and what investments Jesper Brodin wants to see from society to facilitate the company's environmental goals.

Also in the program are moderate former Finance Minister Anders Borg and former spokesman for the environmental party Maria Wetterstrand to talk about whether Sweden's economy can be restarted in a green way, or whether full focus must be on getting the companies started and saving jobs, regardless of what effect it will have on the environment.