In the "Big Evening Newspaper" this Sunday, our correspondents in Rome, Berlin and Barcelona give an update on deconfinement in Italy, Germany and Spain. Three countries affected to different degrees by the coronavirus, which do not proceed in the same way to return to normal.  

If the deconfinement begins in France on May 11, further easing has taken place, or will take place soon, with some of our European neighbors. This is particularly the case in Italy, Germany, and Spain. In the "Big Evening Newspaper" of Europe 1 this Sunday, our correspondents in these countries give an overview of these different changes, and detail how they are perceived by the inhabitants.

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In Italy, families can reunite under conditions

Second most bereaved country in the world by the Covid-19, Italy begins a shy deconfinement Monday, as explained by our correspondent Blandine Hugonnet from Rome. Family reunions are again possible, but under very strict conditions. They must be done in small groups and only one person has the right to travel, to see their parents for example. But this can only be done within the same region. It is therefore impossible to go too far from his home. And once there, respecting social distanciations and wearing a mask are mandatory. 

As for schools, they will only reopen in September, but adjustments are planned for exams. Thus, Italian high school students who must pass this year "la maturità", the equivalent of the baccalaureate, will be able to move to pass a single oral exam, which will determine their final grade. The same process will also be applied to universities and end-of-year partials. 


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In Germany, schools reopen in some Länder

Begun almost two weeks ago, the "deconfinement" continues on May 4 in Germany with an important stage: the reopening of schools in certain Länder, observes Hélène Kohl, our journalist in Berlin. But it is not for this reason that there is a "big sigh of relief" national across the Rhine. Not as strict as in France, the German confinement allowed to move freely, but prohibited contacts. The first flexibilities occurred 15 days ago, the incubation time of the Covid-19. The tension was then palpable in the country, and many scientists spoke, very worried to see a relaxation in the population. 

But the national figures for victims of the coronavirus are rather encouraging and the country is at best facing a recession of the epidemic, at worst, a plateau. However, it is still prohibited to travel between different regions, and journeys near the home are limited in time. It is therefore impossible to sleep outside your home.

>> PODCAST -  Coronavirus: find all the answers to your questions here

In Spain, the timid reopening of certain businesses

After 48 days of very strict and very close confinement, the Spanish were finally able to put their noses out this Saturday. To avoid a general rush, a system of time slots was put in place, but many people wandered the streets, was able to note our journalist Henry de Laguérie from Barcelona. It is therefore difficult under these conditions to respect the necessary safety distances. This is why certain cities, including Barcelona, ​​are considering temporarily reforming public space, in particular by widening the sidewalks and evicting cars. 

This Monday, May 4, marks the timid reopening of certain businesses, which can now receive customers by appointment. This is particularly the case for hairdressers. For their part, restaurants are starting to sell take-out meals. But the real change will come next May 11, when the Spaniards can travel again. However, these trips will be limited to one province.