Xinhua News Agency, Brasilia, May 3 (Reporter Zhou Xingzhu) According to data released by the Brazilian Ministry of Health on the 3rd, Brazil has added 4,588 new cases of newly diagnosed crowns within 24 hours, with a total of 101,147 confirmed cases; 275 new deaths, with a cumulative death rate 7025 cases; about 4300 cases were cured.

  This week, 18 states in Brazil and the Federal District of Brasilia announced the extension of the national isolation period, and the other eight states have not yet decided whether to extend the isolation period or resume social activities.

  In response to the new crown epidemic, Brazil announced on March 20 that the country entered a state of public disaster. At present, Brazil has taken anti-epidemic measures such as closing sea, land and air borders, and prohibiting the export of medical supplies.