Globally infected 3,392,771 people 241,193 dead New Coronavirus May 3: 4:17

According to a summary by Johns Hopkins University in the United States, the number of people infected with the new coronavirus in the world was 3,392,771 as of 3 am Japan time on the 3rd.

Looking at the number of infected persons by country,
▽ America had the highest number of 1,17,979 ,
followed by
▽ Spain
213,435 , ▽ Italy 209,328,
▽ British 183,495 ,
▽ France The number is 167,305.

In addition, the number of people who died in the whole world is 241,193. By
▽ America is 65,416,
▽ Italy is 28710,
▽ Britain is 28131,
▽ France is 24,563.
▽ Spain has 24,543 people.