(Fighting against New Coronary Pneumonia) Merkel, part of Germany's "unblocking" social life, calls on the public to insist on cooperating with epidemic prevention

  China News Agency, Berlin, April 30 (Reporter Peng Dawei) After the German federal government and the state governments held a conference call on the 30th, they will gradually "unblock" the public including religious activities, children's playgrounds, museums and zoos. place. German Chancellor Angela Merkel urged the public to continue to maintain interpersonal distances and observe the epidemic prevention regulations.

The picture shows the slogan "Welcome back" in a reopened clothing store in the center of Berlin that afternoon. China News Service reporter Peng Dawei

  According to the German "Times Online" report, as of 19:42 on the 30th local time, a total of 162,625 people were diagnosed with new coronary pneumonia, 114,270 were cured, and 6,627 died.

  After Merkel held a conference call with the state governors on that day, all parties made the above-mentioned resolution. According to the resolution, the states will take further measures to "unblock" the previously announced "gradual opening of shops under 800 square meters from April 20."

  Among them, churches, mosques, and synagogues are allowed to hold religious activities, and children ’s playgrounds, museums, exhibition halls, memorial halls, zoos, and botanical gardens are allowed to meet religious conditions.

The picture shows a shopping mall that has been reopened in the center of Berlin that afternoon. China News Service reporter Peng Dawei

  The restaurants that have not been allowed to open include dine-in restaurants, bars, hotels, and kindergartens. Private travel and visiting relatives and friends have also not been lifted. The ban on large-scale events will continue until August 31. In addition, from May 4, the barber shop can be reopened while meeting the epidemic prevention requirements, but service companies such as massage shops that cannot avoid close contact can still not be opened.

  Affected by the epidemic, the German government predicted on the 29th that the country's economy will experience a 6.3% recession (year-on-year) in 2020. Part of the decision to "unblock" was made in this context. The specific "unblocking" steps will be detailed by the states themselves.

  Merkel said at the press conference that day, deciding when to "unblock" is the responsibility of politicians, must carefully analyze the overall situation, and do everything possible to ensure that "not back to the more difficult stage", but Make progress step by step.

  Merkel stressed that the same day, to maintain vigilance is still the biggest requirement. She said that the best way to meet the economic and social interests is to "progress step by step without going back." Therefore, it is necessary to insist on the implementation of health and epidemic prevention measures at present.

  In response to the high-profile "unblocking" schedule for the restaurant and hotel industry, the meeting did not make a decision on the day, but announced that it would be discussed at the next meeting on May 6. (Finish)