“Over the past day in Moscow after undergoing treatment, another 631 people recovered. The total number of people who recovered from the infection increased to 5766, ”RIA Novosti quoted her as saying.

Rakova also warned Muscovites against self-medication, recalling that the doctor prescribes all the necessary medicines, depending on the symptoms and severity of the disease.

“The diagnosis is based on a molecular genetic test. For the study, a swab from the nose and oropharynx is taken, and other tests as prescribed by the doctor are also carried out, ”the deputy mayor emphasized.

Earlier, Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin said that currently 17 thousand infected with coronavirus infection remain in the capital’s hospitals.

The head of the department of the National Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology named after Gamaleya, Alexander Butenko, in an interview with the Moscow 24 website, commented on the initiative to establish boxes on the streets where you can get tested for coronavirus.