Mary Aaron

The breastfeeding mother has the right to decide to break the fasting month of Ramadan, but many choose to combine fasting and breastfeeding because there is no health effect on them, but this decision may become correct if the infant has exceeded six months, as it is possible to rely on supportive meals in addition to breastfeeding.

Therefore, if the mother decides to fast, she must take the following precautions so that her health or her baby are not exposed to any harm.

Tips for fasting:
Breastfeeding women should consider that fasting hours include adequate hours of sleep, with the necessity of drinking at least two liters of different fluids between breakfast and suhur, to compensate for dehydration and thirst during fasting.

Milk-generating vitamins in pharmacies may help replace lost nutrients during fasting hours.

A breastfeeding woman may need to use electric or manual aspirators from the other breast while breastfeeding her baby, to send signals to the brain with the twin suckers, a common trick to generate more milk.

It is also possible to resort to breastfeeding counseling, a specialty that has become widespread in many countries, to help train mothers on how to generate more milk if traditional household methods fail.

It is advised to make the decision to fast after the infant has passed six months until he is provided with outside help meals (German)

Diet in Ramadan
You can make cakes that contain oatmeal or wheat germ cereals, fennel or barley to eat throughout the breakfast period, and you may need to add sesame and apricots to your daily food, because these foods contain many of the ingredients that generate milk.

And your daily diet should contain iron-rich nutrients, which in turn helps to generate milk, by eating beets, eggplant, watercress and spinach, and the latter is also rich in calcium and folic acid.

Also joined to this family are carrots and potatoes, and salmon adds a high nutritional value, as it contains omega-3, but be sure to cook it steamed or eat it grilled to maintain its full nutritional value.

Pumpkin (pumpkin) can be added to the list of previous foods, because it contains components that protect the body from dehydration, which is required to overcome thirst and lack of fluid in the body during fasting hours, and is one of the easy-to-digest foods that generate milk.

Chickpeas are legumes full of fiber, and it is an ideal meal for suhoor that makes you feel full for longer times. It is a source of calcium and vitamin B, and it is included as one of the foods that help in generating milk, as it is one of the foods that contain plant estrogen, and it also helps to supply the body with elements High-value food.

Perfect drinks
Fenugreek, fennel, caraway and anise are among the most popular milk-producing drinks, according to the National Complementary and Integrative Health Center in the United States.

The nutritional value of fresh yeast increases, as it contains proteins, vitamin B, minerals and iron. Fenugreek, fennel and yeast used in baked goods can also be taken in the form of extracted medicinal tablets, which are available in all pharmacies.

Foods that dry milk milk
Use cinnamon and mint during weaning to reduce breast milk production, so you should avoid them completely during the fasting period to avoid drying out the milk.

But if a breastfeeding woman follows the previous advice and feels that the milk is short or dry, then she must break her fast so that she or her baby will not be exposed to danger.