The head of Rospotrebnadzor Anna Popova advocated the extension of restrictions imposed due to the spread of coronavirus until May 12. According to her, scientists also indicate that before this date the weakening of restrictive measures is impractical.

She recalled that the regime of self-isolation has already lasted two incubation periods - 28-30 days. To “consolidate the result”, one more such period is necessary, after which it will be possible to talk about easing restrictions, but only if citizens “do not break into the holidays”. Popova clarified that in order to achieve a successful result, citizens must comply with all the rules introduced.

“This is the biggest risk today - to get out of the regime in which we are in these four weeks and begin to actively communicate. This will lead to a return to the point from which we left, ”added the chief sanitary doctor of the Russian Federation.

Earlier, Popova admitted that Russia would be able to avoid an explosive increase in the incidence of disease if citizens did not neglect the recommendations of the authorities and actively violate the regime of self-isolation during the May holidays. She explained that non-compliance with the regime in early May could nullify all efforts made and lead to the introduction of new restrictions.

A similar point of view was expressed by Alexander Semenov, deputy director for innovation at the St. Petersburg Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology named after Pasteur. In his opinion, violation of the self-isolation regime in the current situation may return the growth rate of the incidence of COVID-19 to mid-April.

“And if we don’t do anything stupid, we can resist the temptation to go on a spree at the May holidays, we will preserve these measures of social distance, restrictions and so on, then - yes, the plateau is just around the corner,” he said on the TV channel “Russia 24 ".

Meanwhile, Valery Ryazansky, First Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Social Policy, said in a conversation with RT that he sees no reason in postponing the May holidays.

“To postpone the May holidays, I see no reason. I cannot understand the meaning of this proposal, because then it is necessary to declare these days as working days. But workers cannot be declared workers either. Moreover, both Rospotrebnadzor and government decisions - all of them are aimed at the phased solution of problems with stretching the requirements for self-isolation, ”he said.

Recall that in Moscow and a number of regions from the end of March there is a mandatory self-isolation regime for all citizens, regardless of age. Capital cafes, hairdressers, beauty salons and other crowded places have suspended their work. To move around Moscow and Moscow Region on any type of transport, a citizen must have a digital pass.

At the same time, the Moscow Department of Information Technologies reported that a number of digital passes were canceled in the capital, since they did not pass the test.

They clarified that the data that was specified during the registration of passes is mandatory checked, including the tax service. If the TIN is incorrectly indicated, the pass is canceled. Also, the pass is canceled if the information that the person works in the organization indicated by him is not confirmed.

According to the latest data, the total number of people infected with coronavirus in Russia reached 87,147, while 795 patients died from complications associated with the disease, and another 7,346 were cured. Thus, on April 27, Russia bypassed China in the number of cases of coronavirus infection.

As follows from the data of Johns Hopkins University, there are already more than 3 million confirmed cases of COVID-19 disease worldwide, almost a third of which occurred in the USA (979 thousand).

Along with this, presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov, in an interview with Argumenty i Fakty, expressed the view that Russia could reach the plateau for the spread of coronavirus by mid-May. According to him, after that, in June, "it will become easier."

In addition, Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin said that the government will soon present to Vladimir Putin options for changing restrictive measures based on expert recommendations.

“In the near future, we will need to inform the president about possible options for changing restrictive measures recommended by specialists taking into account the emerging epidemiological situation,” Mishustin said during a meeting of the Presidium of the Coordinating Council for the Control of Coronavirus.