Madagascar: the Academy of Medicine tempers its opinion on the Covid-Organics

Authorities distribute Covid-Organics to students who have resumed classes. According to the Madagascan presidency, this remedy prevents and cures Covid-19. Laetitia BEZAIN / RFI

Text by: Laetitia Bezain Follow

Last Monday, the Academy of Medicine had expressed its doubts concerning the distribution to the population of Covid-Organics, a remedy which comes in the form of decoction and herbal tea which is supposed to prevent and cure Covid-19. In a new press release sent late Friday evening, the academy finally indicates not to oppose its use. A new statement following a meeting with the Madagascan President Andry Rajoelina and the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research.


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From our correspondent in Antananarivo,

The interview made it possible to "  remove the doubts and the reservations of the Academy regarding the use of Covid-Organics  ", assures the latter, because five days ago, she warned about the distribution of this remedy pointing out: "  this is a drug whose scientific evidence has not yet been elucidated and which is likely to harm the health of the population, in particular that of children. "

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Personalities close to the government had then tried to discredit this press release by denouncing a "  document required  ". Others explained that the president of the Academy had been forced to sign this declaration. Rumors denied by the institution since.

Who wanted this meeting with the presidency? Why a new declaration? Was the academy under pressure? The perpetual secretary of the Academy of Medicine declined to answer any questions. It is clear that the new press release is much more watered down:

“  As Covid-Organics is not a medicine but an improved traditional remedy, the Academy of Medicine does not oppose its use in the form of Tambavy (note: decoction)   and leaves it to the free appreciation of each person. reserve to respect the indicated dose, especially for children  ”, she indicates.

The chief of staff of the presidency, Lova Hasinirina Ranoromaro, explains that “  there was a misunderstanding. The information that had reached them said that it was a medicine. We provided them with the Covid-Organics fact sheet and they found it to be an improved traditional remedy  . ” She specifies that it is the Academy of Medicine which wished this meeting with the presidency.

We have taken note of the virtues of the medicinal plants contained in the composition of this remedy as specified in the technical and scientific documents which have been submitted to our level  ", confirms the press release from the Academy of Medicine while specifying that it "  Recommends the implementation of a monitoring system for people who have consumed Tambavy CVO (note: decoction Covid-Organics)". The absence of scientific evidence concerning this remedy or its possible undesirable effects is no longer mentioned.

In schools, Covid-Organics was distributed to students in the third, third and seventh years who resumed classes this week.

A setback that we are used to in Madagascar,  " comments a member of civil society. The latter had thanked the Academy of Medicine at the beginning of the week and the actors who had expressed themselves on the Covid-Organics for having had “  the courage to express their opinions. A real breath of fresh air in this context where the single thought reigns. "

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  • Madagascar
  • Coronavirus
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