South Africa to relax restrictions on living Out of life, especially in the poor Corona April 24, 7:53

The South African government has announced that it will gradually relax restrictions on resumption of economic activity amid the spread of the new coronavirus. This is due to the fact that life is poor, especially among the poor, making it difficult to thoroughly implement infection control measures under the severe disparity between rich and poor.

South Africa's President Lamapoza addressed the public on the night of the 23rd, saying that "it is the most effective way to control the spread of infection" regarding strict restrictions on going out, so-called lockdown, across the country. The people cannot continue to eat it indefinitely, "and announced that the restrictions will be gradually relaxed from the first day of next month toward the resumption of economic activity.

Specifically, it is expected to allow the resumption of mines and some manufacturing industries, which are indispensable for acquiring foreign currency and creating employment.

However, the government expects that the infection will continue to spread, and demands measures to keep people apart from each other and thorough wearing of masks when restarting.

The reason for embarking on the relaxation of restrictions despite the fact that the spread of infection has not subsided is that the number of people facing the food shortage is increasing, especially among the poor, and the number of people looting and rioting is increasing and security is deteriorated. In some cases, it is difficult to take thorough measures to prevent infections due to the wide disparity between rich and poor.